Giving Grows Compassion
It's easy for me to remember when I've depended on social assistance (food stamps, food donation banks) to make my way in life. Those times in my life helped give me grit, perseverance, and a profound gratitude for where I am. Plus, it's added so much depth and richness to my acting skills, creativity, and resourcefulness toolbox I keep discovering now! I love donating to a few places that are tuned into the hearts and homes needing help here in Montana.
COVID-19, global wars + many things going on in our world have hit many people so hard... and we keep coming back to life! My heart and soul are committed to continue giving each month both to Food Share and Montana Energy Share. If you're not already donating to some place(s) that help others in your own community, I encourage you to find a place where your heart leads you to share time, talent, or money giving people tangible commodities and grace to get through this really rough patch of time. Otherwise, Join me! Click the pics below to take you to their websites and click on the Give Now or Donate tabs.
It's easy for me to remember when I've depended on social assistance (food stamps, food donation banks) to make my way in life. Those times in my life helped give me grit, perseverance, and a profound gratitude for where I am. Plus, it's added so much depth and richness to my acting skills, creativity, and resourcefulness toolbox I keep discovering now! I love donating to a few places that are tuned into the hearts and homes needing help here in Montana.
COVID-19, global wars + many things going on in our world have hit many people so hard... and we keep coming back to life! My heart and soul are committed to continue giving each month both to Food Share and Montana Energy Share. If you're not already donating to some place(s) that help others in your own community, I encourage you to find a place where your heart leads you to share time, talent, or money giving people tangible commodities and grace to get through this really rough patch of time. Otherwise, Join me! Click the pics below to take you to their websites and click on the Give Now or Donate tabs.
With CO-VID19, global wars, and dire conditions rampaging through the entire world, communication and connection is how I feel other people's hearts.
In August 2020, I received a lovely message from Bogonko Elvis Ongera asking for help as he shared pictures of the school he and his crew are building in Kenya, Through conversations with him and another organization World Dream Foundation, I found out they're building a school for children deep in poverty and in need of education.
Bogonko is on the advisory boards for both One Good Turn and the World Dream Foundation. Both Dr. Ann Messer, One Good Turn and Julia Folk, of World Dream Foundation spoke highly of him, have been investing time and money helping get this school on it's feet, and were so much in support of Bogonko's efforts. If you feel in your spirit you can join me in donating, click on the big pic below. It'll take you his website to find out more about him and his project.
You can also give him some positive encouragement on Facebook and Instagram!
Jambo Charity Organization Instagram Jambo Charity Organization Facebook
In August 2020, I received a lovely message from Bogonko Elvis Ongera asking for help as he shared pictures of the school he and his crew are building in Kenya, Through conversations with him and another organization World Dream Foundation, I found out they're building a school for children deep in poverty and in need of education.
Bogonko is on the advisory boards for both One Good Turn and the World Dream Foundation. Both Dr. Ann Messer, One Good Turn and Julia Folk, of World Dream Foundation spoke highly of him, have been investing time and money helping get this school on it's feet, and were so much in support of Bogonko's efforts. If you feel in your spirit you can join me in donating, click on the big pic below. It'll take you his website to find out more about him and his project.
You can also give him some positive encouragement on Facebook and Instagram!
Jambo Charity Organization Instagram Jambo Charity Organization Facebook
Volunteering my time and talent helps me stay grounded in gratitude and appreciation. I share with a wide open heart my smiles and encouraging words with people from many walks of life helping improve life for others. For quite a few years, I bagged groceries at the local Food Share. The Kid Pack drive that happens twice a year helps kids who just don't have enough for breakfast and/or lunches. You need food in your belly to learn in and grow!
Volunteering my time and talent helps me stay grounded in gratitude and appreciation. I share with a wide open heart my smiles and encouraging words with people from many walks of life helping improve life for others. For quite a few years, I bagged groceries at the local Food Share. The Kid Pack drive that happens twice a year helps kids who just don't have enough for breakfast and/or lunches. You need food in your belly to learn in and grow!
I was grateful to share with the "Pantry Times" how giving is sharing my heart.
(News article available by clicking the "Pantry Times" below)
(News article available by clicking the "Pantry Times" below)
For the past four years I've joined an illustrious team of volunteers cutting, digging, and finishing trails to grow the trail system for hiking and mountain biking in and around Helena, Montana. It's a joy to see only the flags mark a line in the woods at first for where the potential trail will be and then over a period of time see the trail appear through our digging and swinging pick axes, shovels, and mcleod tools.
The Prickly Pear Land Trust is in charge of these continuing efforts and is dedicated to inspiring connection to the landscapes, wildlife, water, and recreation through conservation and stewarding the land we have in thoughtful ways.
The Prickly Pear Land Trust is in charge of these continuing efforts and is dedicated to inspiring connection to the landscapes, wildlife, water, and recreation through conservation and stewarding the land we have in thoughtful ways.
Sharing what you've learned and your experiences enrich everyone's bank of knowledge. It was a wonderful evening sharing my acting processes with curious people generating very lively conversation on the topic of the "Arts, Science, and Imagination" at the second annual fundraiser for Merlin. The motto for this terrific organization is Collaborate, Consult, and Community.
I was blessed and honored to be asked by the Founder/Director and Community Philosopher Marisa Diaz-Waian to lead one of the groups of table talks. Her fervor, zest, and passion for connecting people from varying backgrounds for meaningful relationships has been reshaping connectivity in our town.
We successfully raising $9,145 for the community. Click on the picture above to go on over to the website and check out the event!

Another one of my favorite volunteering projects was the Benton Avenue Cemetery project. The historical cemetery was vandalized. Grave sites and headstones needed extensive repairs by people who specialized in how stone was cut back in the day from that time period.
The Montana Historical Society asked for volunteers and cast about a half dozen actors to dress the part of a person who had passed away and had been buried at the cemetery. People paid an admission fee thereby raising money for repairs and were given a map to navigate to the various headstones where we delivered monologues in a storytelling fashion of the person that was buried at each site. Pictured below is my character, Fannie Mae Spencer, a lady of the evening. Photo courtesy: Tim Holmes
Special thanks and appreciation to people who have shared time and expertise with me!
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Modeling, Film & Theatre Photographers: Dennis Dorr, Stan Smith, Tim Holmes, AnnellaJo Perry, Deb Hoffert, Allie Hoffert, Dena Carlin, Kailey Portsmouth, Nikki Baker.
Thanks to my dad in heaven who kept the wheels of the family cars rolling and shared so much joy when he was still alive. He was one of the main guys in my crew keeping our family together and with a joyful spirit, fixed anything that was broken.
Special thanks to some creative friends who inspire me ~ Melissa Riitano, Rachel Riitano, Caz McGovern-Score, Jenna Ciralli, Tashia Gates, Sarah Elkins, Christine Horn, Crystal Carson, Jo Kelly, Bryan Ferriter, Ryan Pfeiffer, Chris Hoffert, Brock Forrette, and Meg McWhinney... You guys are amazing! Thanks for support, opportunities, and pushing me on.
To Jason Rogers, Tina Buckingham - thanks for helping me learn about the business and believing in me.
I SO appreciate support from some of my favorite peeps: Melissa, Rachel, Roz, Terry, Betty, Ken, Diane, Jenny, Mike, Tom, Heidi, Christine, Sanna, my mom Joanne, Marty, Quincey, Christel, Candice, Stephanie, Ciara, John, Marsha, Pat, Ryan and fans who’ve been awesome supporting my work & growth and continue to cheer me on no matter what I’m doing. Many, many thanks!
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Modeling, Film & Theatre Photographers: Dennis Dorr, Stan Smith, Tim Holmes, AnnellaJo Perry, Deb Hoffert, Allie Hoffert, Dena Carlin, Kailey Portsmouth, Nikki Baker.
Thanks to my dad in heaven who kept the wheels of the family cars rolling and shared so much joy when he was still alive. He was one of the main guys in my crew keeping our family together and with a joyful spirit, fixed anything that was broken.
Special thanks to some creative friends who inspire me ~ Melissa Riitano, Rachel Riitano, Caz McGovern-Score, Jenna Ciralli, Tashia Gates, Sarah Elkins, Christine Horn, Crystal Carson, Jo Kelly, Bryan Ferriter, Ryan Pfeiffer, Chris Hoffert, Brock Forrette, and Meg McWhinney... You guys are amazing! Thanks for support, opportunities, and pushing me on.
To Jason Rogers, Tina Buckingham - thanks for helping me learn about the business and believing in me.
I SO appreciate support from some of my favorite peeps: Melissa, Rachel, Roz, Terry, Betty, Ken, Diane, Jenny, Mike, Tom, Heidi, Christine, Sanna, my mom Joanne, Marty, Quincey, Christel, Candice, Stephanie, Ciara, John, Marsha, Pat, Ryan and fans who’ve been awesome supporting my work & growth and continue to cheer me on no matter what I’m doing. Many, many thanks!