Synopsis: Small town rural Montana deputy sheriff Heebuck addresses day to day reports from the dispatch blotter. His mind is set on investigating the disappearance of a girl from the Hungry Horse Reservoir. A number of characters light up the screen in this episode and while his work consumes him, he's facing the greatest challenge of all: the first date.
Director: Michael Polish
Screenwriters: Michael Polish and Mark Polish
Executive Producers: Michael Polish and Travis Bruyer.
Producers: Michael Polish, Travis Bruyer Angela Martino Joe Berardi
Cast: Travis Bruyer, Mary Riitano, Adam Pitman Jeff Medley @thejeffmedley Melanie Wendt l Leon Stiffarm, Tim Dudley
Cinematographers: Michael Polish, Gabe Grende
Editor: Paul Buhl
Film Team: Shera Konen
Screenwriters: Michael Polish and Mark Polish
Executive Producers: Michael Polish and Travis Bruyer.
Producers: Michael Polish, Travis Bruyer Angela Martino Joe Berardi
Cast: Travis Bruyer, Mary Riitano, Adam Pitman Jeff Medley @thejeffmedley Melanie Wendt l Leon Stiffarm, Tim Dudley
Cinematographers: Michael Polish, Gabe Grende
Editor: Paul Buhl
Film Team: Shera Konen
"Heebuck" had its premiere debut at the SeriesFest @seriesfest in Denver, Colorado May 3, 2024 at the Sie Film Center.
Hollywood Deadline Press "Heebuck" May 8, 2024 - click pic below to take you to the article