"They Don't Leave" is a short film by written by and directed by Caz McGovern. Produced by Nancy Bevins.
Principal photography completed in June 2022 and the film is complete! It premiered in Arizona at the ShowLow Film Festival in September 2023 and has been on a great festival tour so far. Keep an eye out for where we might be playing near you in 2024.
The story shares perspectives from three different generations, truth seeking but still at times very lost as they deal with generational trauma.
I 'm delighted to be cast as Jolene Brooks in this film. The female gaze and perspective Caz brings is deeply felt in this film. It's a heart moving vulnerability and yet gritty fierceness slice of life that these women choose to navigate through what life has handed them and/or recognizing their line of choices.
Principal photography completed in June 2022 and the film is complete! It premiered in Arizona at the ShowLow Film Festival in September 2023 and has been on a great festival tour so far. Keep an eye out for where we might be playing near you in 2024.
The story shares perspectives from three different generations, truth seeking but still at times very lost as they deal with generational trauma.
I 'm delighted to be cast as Jolene Brooks in this film. The female gaze and perspective Caz brings is deeply felt in this film. It's a heart moving vulnerability and yet gritty fierceness slice of life that these women choose to navigate through what life has handed them and/or recognizing their line of choices.
Director, Caz McGovern
Sharing some Behind the Scenes pics ~ Stay tuned as we begin the film festival journey and follow us on Instagram!
Click on "They Don't Leave" and it'll take you to our Insta Page!
Click on "They Don't Leave" and it'll take you to our Insta Page!
Our stellar team stayed united and focused over a three year journey to bring this film to life. With two locations, one in the UK and one in the US (Montana), this film shares a unique blend of English moodiness meeting the rural life in the mountains of Montana. You can click on the pic below to go to our website to find out more about our film!
Nominations received for "They Don't Leave"
Flathead Lake International Cinemafest February 2024
✹ Best Montana Picture
✹ Best Original Score