"Willow Creek Road" is a short film story about Ruth, a lonely ranch hand in Montana who picks up two children on a lonely dirt road in Montana and experiences an afternoon filling her heart with their laughter until Joey arrives home to a strange woman in her house.
Click on the center award picture for the on-line press link for the Monmouth Film Festival
Click on the center award picture for the on-line press link for the MINT Film Festival
South Dakota Film Festival 2018 - Jenna Ciralli, Best Actress Award for Willow Creek Road
Watch the full length film of "Willow Creek Road" (for free)
Click the image above to take you to the Omeleto Film Channel on Youtube!
"Willow Creek Road" had a stellar film festival journey with much accolade.
It's been released on the YouTube Channel Omeleto - you can watch it below for free by clicking on the picture. Enjoy!
It's been released on the YouTube Channel Omeleto - you can watch it below for free by clicking on the picture. Enjoy!