“Useless” was slated to film late summer 2017 but due to Montana wildfires, production was wisely rescheduled. Link for info: "Useless" (Facebook) Rolling back to early 2017, I submitted video auditions for two speaking extra parts and was cast in one of those roles. Presently, being based in Montana, I’ve been developing a better process of submitting auditions. Definitely made me feel excited to be cast from one of those videos and doubly excited to work with Tombstone Film & Production Company LLC on their film! Earlier this year, productions let me know the film was still a go and scheduled to film May 2018. They also asked if I would be willing to step into a solid featured part. Of course, I said, “Heck YES!” Photo credit: Sydney Resel It's empowering when you can create a vision from your heart, follow steps & paths, handle the stuff that comes up, and then feel the joy of creating with a team of artists. It’s taken awhile for this little overachiever to fall in love with the whole process of making anything happen in my life really. No footstep ends up being useless when I feel the joy, wisdom, and connection around me. Those feelings invite me to notice and discover what’s next as I trail blaze my way towards my dreams and value each person, skill building, and experience more deeply.
Keep on dreaming & doing those things that make your heart sing. Bless the world in positive, loving ways like only you know how. xo
I am happy to have such a solid featured part in the independent film What Separates Us. Every film I work on adds to my creative experience, understanding how film is made, and most importantly boosting up my acting skills and confidence! I am even more happy though to work with Interwoven Films who deserve credit and praise for tenacious efforts that span over four years. Bryan Ferriter, Bill Piotrowski, Isaac Marble, Quincey Kuiava, and Ryan Pfeiffer have been working on editing, sound, music, color correction, promotion, and keeping the life blood flowing through this project to it’s sweet end. A sweet end that marks really an even sweeter beginning and that is the theatrical debut of What Separates Us at the Myrna Loy Theatre in Helena, Montana. Another huge shout out to our financial backers, parents, family, friends, and businesses. Truly, without their belief in us and spending those valuable greenbacks on our dreams, this project would not be where it is today. Over the past year, I have been letting my wins and celebrations sink deeper into my being. No words to explain how this helps my confidence grow and expand that feeling of “I can do” regarding making things happen in life. As you read this, what can you celebrate? Where can you give yourself credit and encouragement in getting up when you fall and staying in the game? Whether you are trying to catch the biggest fish, be a better parent, learn to sing, open a business, heal from trauma & abuse, or pretty much just figure out how to be better human, praise your efforts and strength. It takes courage to share your soul’s talent and voice. Yeeehaw! Our Kickstarter crowd funding was a success for filming the final segments of a western web series, The Big Muddy! Segments 4 and 5 will be filmed starting this weekend through the end of summer 2016. I am excited to be more in front of the camera this time. My earlier featured character has an expanded role! It's been tough (understatement) keeping one foot steady in my day job and the steady world I've created to hold myself and the people I love and the other foot is doing the polka in my creative world. You need both feet for walking. So...lately, I feel like I've been walking funny ;) Despite the weird looks I get and things people say, I am happy and... exhausted as hell. The happy though is what I keep bringing my focus back to. It's empowering when you can create a vision in your mind, follow steps & paths to get there, handle the sh** that comes up and then feel the joy of creating with your team of artists. This month, all I can say is keep on dreaming & doing (that's the important part!) those things that make your heart sing and bless the world in positive, loving ways like only you know how. One of my favorite pictures from summer 2015. On the left of me is our project creator, director, filmmaker Chris Hoffert and on the right is Stan Smith, casting, actor, location scouter.
Blog by Mary Riitano...I'm a Montana actress on a journey sharing my heart and growth through blogging, stories, and poetry, I have faith you'll find empowerment and inspiration to create like a champion in your own life! Categories
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