Hello and happy May Day! I wanted to share some news as my regular blogging has taken a back seat in deference to navigating the super tough time in this global pandemic, taking classes & skill building, and sharing my valuable attention with close family and friends that've needed support.
Currently, I'm actively seeking an agent/representation so I can swing for the stars in Hollywood. During the pandemic, I was cast via digital audition/Zoom in a short film, "They Don't Leave" which is about generational trauma starring three incredible women directed by Caz McGovern. We're in pre-production and rehearsal for filming June 2022. In autumn 2022, I'll finish up with pick up shots and acting as Queen Gertrude in an epic independent Montana film version of "Hamlet." I'm also .kicking. ass in my AudioBook class where I'm learning to be an audiobook narrator so I can expand where I'm sharing my acting talents. So much is going on in the world still too. As you read this, feel a warm hug of encouragement coming right through my words and through the screen to you. The Earth ride has been bumpy and so rough; many parts of our world are struggling terribly, people are still not safe in their rights, and some are literally fighting for their freedom. God Bless the Ukraine. Keeping things moving along, doing my best with excellence, grace, fortitude, and fierce love is how I'm managing to stay focused and sharing everything I can. Collectively we're doing it too - - it's slow work deepening our consciousness and becoming better. Spring is creeping in at turtle pacing in here. I've already been up on the mountain getting my trail legs warmed up for summer biking and hiking and also taking pictures as usual. The quote on my photo has been ringing the bells in my soul and heart lately - - especially when it comes to owning my greatness in my very unique journey. Come on over and socialize out on social media and share respectfully with me there! Let's keep moving. Big loves xo Update May 27, 2022 PS - the primary election is the U.S. is occurring until June 6, 2022. Our nation needs leaders; not thoughts and prayers! VOTE. Truly observe what the person stands for, do your own research, and vote for people who have the insight, foresight to put better policies into action that protect our rights, safety of our children, and our freedom. Comments are closed.
Blog by Mary Riitano...I'm a Montana actress on a journey sharing my heart and growth through blogging, stories, and poetry, I have faith you'll find empowerment and inspiration to create like a champion in your own life! Categories
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