Waaahoooot! Naked soul celebration! …get your attention, hmmmm? ;) Wowzers, I sure hope so! And I hope it raised your eyebrows and stirred up some curiosity. When was the last time you were so loopy tired from celebrating and doing something you were into with your whole body, heart and soul? …so god blessed tired you can’t speak very well, you have a body/head buzzy feeling that will pop on & off randomly like a light switch, your heart smiles for no reason and if you leaned up next to a wall you would slide down it with eyes half closed and fall asleep in public? In the last three weeks, a creative tornado shredded my normal 9 to 5 schedule to film a passion project. I took a few full vacation days to be totally present and immersed on the project and then would pop back and forth between work and filming (sometimes filming until 1 am and going to work the next day). I felt I was in a time machine jumping back and forth from the past (think late 1800’s) and then back to my over saturated techno work world, making my way living and thriving. Being present, oh boy, a cliché that is soooo overused…at a closer look, how often do I truly, deeply feel it? If you have ever been on a movie set, holy cats, there is A LOT of waiting, a mix of different running chaos as shots are set up, peeps shouting out for things needed to make everything click & run and there is an overall tingly feeling of deep magic as you feel everyone is elbow linked together to create something. A something that did not exist before right now, right now in this very moment. Being an uber dork here (jus’ love this about me!!)… I did not want to miss a single thing in this filming experience and committed myself, every moment of every day to feel the experience deeply. Feeling the chaos & stress and with diligent attention how it worked itself out, feeling the lens when I was in front of the camera, feeling so exceedingly tired and reaching deep inside my soul for energy to share and support everyone, and allowing the feeling that I CAN be vulnerable, talented, capable…and enough. I can show up and be present with every ounce of my naked soul and shine my light brilliantly, share my talent and create. I can celebrate with my whole body & spirit without the clothing of shame and being over conscientious. How powerful is that?!? Presence is allowing yourself to be the paintbrush magic in painting the picture of your life. It was incredible to watch every person around me bring their creative soul A-game and connect with each other to create. I have been sit down in my pants happy (my own way of puttin’ it). My sweet friend Nina caught this moment with us beautifully. Breaking up my day job/life pattern has reminded me in a profound and exhilarating way where my soul needed watering and self-care. As always, I aim to share and in full faith as you read this, feel the magic -the magic of creating outside the little cracker box life you have created. I mean FEEL IT! Feel the possibility that exists even in thinking about doing something different or taking that first step toward a dream in your heart. In fact, I dare you, I DARE YOU to do even one positive thing today that changes up your pattern and gives you cause for celebration, stretches you toward a dream…and then do it again tomorrow and the next day and the next day. It would be too easy for me to ramble on about my recent filming experience -my lil inside preacher has a TON to say, always ;) Words feel terribly inadequate to describe the sense of possibility and lightness I feel. If I could send a shot glass full of this magic I’ve been feeling to boost you up, I would be ecstatic! I would just encourage the heck out of you, celebrate your soul today. It's truly and honor and a gift being alive. If you feel so inclined, leave a comment below and share what you did and/or how you are proud of your own awesomeness.
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Blog by Mary Riitano...I'm a Montana actress on a journey sharing my heart and growth through blogging, stories, and poetry, I have faith you'll find empowerment and inspiration to create like a champion in your own life! Categories
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